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Interesting Facts About Grizzly Bears

The grizzly bear, scientifically known as Ursus arctos horribilis, is an iconic species that inhabits western Canada and the northwestern United States. These large mammals reign as the king of the…

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Bears & Berries

Fall is a critical time for both black and grizzly bears, when they enter a state of hyperphagia and attempt to pack on as much fat as possible to see them through their long winter sleep. Black bears…

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Do You Carry Bear Spray In Big Sky Country?

Picture this: You're on a leisurely hike with your dog in Beehive Basin. As you round the corner on this popular trail, you find yourself face-to-face with a massive grizzly bear. Yikes! What are you…

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Interesting Facts About Marmots

Big Sky Wildlife Spotlight: Marmots Marmot | Pixabay Image The next time you're on a hike in Big Sky Country, keep an eye out for marmots. Marmots are closely related to large ground squirrels and…

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